Elmsdale Railroad Yard 1910
Elmsdale Railroad Yard 1910

Local History Papers

The following is a selection of presentations and articles written for the East Hants Historical Society.

Early Schools in East Hants A paper presented by Ross Graves to the Historical Society in 1968

A History of the MicMac Indians in Hants County A paper presented to the Historical Society in 1968

Early Settlement of Rawdon  A paper presented to the EHHS in 1968

Wilkie Borden: WWI Desertion and Re-enlistment

Annie Hennigar--Horse and buggy doctor by Kate Kirkpatrick

Bibliography of Acadian History

Days of the Fathers in East Hants by T. Chalmers Jack

Shubenacadie River History of Fishery: by Alfred Wallace

A History of South Maitland by Grace L. Gray

Midland Railway by Patricia Royles