They Went Away…

The history of East Hants is one of comings and goings. What does this mean? Well, over the 18th and 19th centuries, the population grew by leaps and bounds—regiments disbanding, land for the asking, opportunity for business, raw materials such as lumber, gypsum, gold. Men were motivated to migrate here with their families because there was opportunity.

But did their children or grandchildren stay? Can descendants of those families still be found in East Hants? Where did they go? And why?

We invite you to tell the story of your ancestors’ “going away.”

Did they leave because

  • the family farm had been carved up too much and there was none for them?
  • the gold/gypsum/barite industry collapsed?
  • the age of sail gave way to steam and shipbuilding?
  • there was family disagreement?

Or were they

  • off in search of adventure?
  • looking for better opportunities elsewhere?

Did they ever return home for a visit?

Did they lose contact with family back home, if they left any here?

If one of your family was “gone” by the early 1900s (or if you were descended directly from him or her following that exodus), tell us their story.

Send us a written piece addressing the above, and adding anecdotes if you have any, about what their experience was like. Don't limit yourself to the guidelines above. We will post your submission on our website on a page dedicated to this purpose. Send to

Guidelines for submission:

  • Use Microsoft Word or, if your word processor is not Word, save your article in Rich Text Format (RTF) to allow for easy editing. Do NOT send it as a PDF document.
  • Length may be up to 500-2000 words.
  • Include a photograph or two if you have them.
  • Include your name, mailing address, and email contact information.

Submissions will be edited for correctness before posting.

Family of Rufus and Bertha Casey

Elizabeth (Johnston) Copeland (nee O'Brien)

Jeremiah Fowler Woodworth and Annie Bathsheba (Cook) Woodworth